English post follows after the Japanese message.
従軍慰安婦問題では強制連行が全く無かったとは言えないかもしれませんが、逆に、あたかも、全て、或いは、殆どが強制連行だったというような解釈は明らかに事実の歪曲であることが、公表されている幾つかの調査で明らかになっています。 実際には、家庭の事情(貧困、借金等)で親に勧められてそういう境遇になった人、家庭内暴力からの脱出(これらの事情には韓国の伝統的な家父長制も密接に関係しているとの調査あり)、お金目当てで職業として選択した人たちなど、状況は様々でした。これらの事実は、例え ば、早くは1944年第二次大戦中の米軍による韓国からビルマ(現ミヤンマー)に渡った20名の慰安婦(Comfort Women/Girls)への聞き取り調査(米国公文書、次のサイトで見れます。下記リンクのものは米国テキサス州のMr. Tony Maranoにより入手されたものです)、
従軍慰安婦問題では強制連行が全く無かったとは言えないかもしれませんが、逆に、あたかも、全て、或いは、殆どが強制連行だったというような解釈は明らかに事実の歪曲であることが、公表されている幾つかの調査で明らかになっています。 実際には、家庭の事情(貧困、借金等)で親に勧められてそういう境遇になった人、家庭内暴力からの脱出(これらの事情には韓国の伝統的な家父長制も密接に関係しているとの調査あり)、お金目当てで職業として選択した人たちなど、状況は様々でした。これらの事実は、例え ば、早くは1944年第二次大戦中の米軍による韓国からビルマ(現ミヤンマー)に渡った20名の慰安婦(Comfort Women/Girls)への聞き取り調査(米国公文書、次のサイトで見れます。下記リンクのものは米国テキサス州のMr. Tony Maranoにより入手されたものです)、
近年では、San Francisco State Uの教授でご自身が韓国出身でもあるProfessor Chunghee Sarah Soh の2008年に出版された著書 "The Comfort Women: Sexual Violence and Postcolonial Memory in Korea and Japan"
私 自身には数人の韓国人或いは韓国系の友達や知り合いがいますが、彼・彼女達個々人は心優しい素晴らしい人たちです。しかし、どこの国でも個々人と政府は別 物。韓国政府の場合は前政権から特に現政権にかけて、その言動は「醜い」を通り越して殆ど「狂気の沙汰」の域に達している気がします。
関連するリンク: 以下blogも参照させていただきました。
[Message in English]
Dear Readers of this message,
I posted this message on December 23, 2013 to request you to sign up for the petition at the U.S.
White House on its web site here in order to remove the “comfort woman/girl” statue,
which seemingly masquerades as a peace statue while in essence, after reading
the inscription, it intends to promote hate towards the people and nation of
Japan based on intentional misinterpretation of history surrounding Korean
comfort women.
As for Glendale California, more than 100,000 have signed up as of January 3, 2014, and the petition is now considered successful.
As for Glendale California, more than 100,000 have signed up as of January 3, 2014, and the petition is now considered successful.
Thank you for your sharing and action to have made this happen.
In the meantime, there is essentially the same issue in Nassau County New York, Eisenhower Park, as we have in Glendale, CA., and the petition still requires approximately 65,000 more to go before it can reach 100,000, and this has to be done by January 12, 2014. Kindly please provide your support by signing up for the petition at the following link:
Thank you for your sharing and action to have made this happen.
In the meantime, there is essentially the same issue in Nassau County New York, Eisenhower Park, as we have in Glendale, CA., and the petition still requires approximately 65,000 more to go before it can reach 100,000, and this has to be done by January 12, 2014. Kindly please provide your support by signing up for the petition at the following link:
While one probably cannot
say that there was no comfort woman who was not forced into prostitution, it is
clearly not based on facts for one to say as if all or most of them had been
forced into the situations, as demonstrated in publicly available documents and researches. Some
comfort women/girls had their parents arranged them into the situations for the
reasons such as poverty, family debts, or other complicated family situations, and
some voluntarily opted to be professional prostitutes to earn money.
One research conducted as
early as in 1944 by the US Army Forces on 20 Korean comfort women, who went to
Burma (now Myanmar), “Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No.49” is
available from National Archives in the US., and I am sharing the public
document here (by courtesy of Mr. Tony Marano in Texas, US who made this
available on the web).
One recent
well-researched book "The Comfort Women: Sexual Violence and Postcolonial
Memory in Korea and Japan" (University Of Chicago Press, 2009)
written by Professor Chunghee Sarah Soh, who was born and raised
in Korea, at San Francisco State University, also discusses the
matter in broader historical and cultural contexts by refusing to yield to
knee-jerk responses or politically correct narratives.
Not to be misunderstood,
I have more than a few Korean friends in Korea, the US, and elsewhere, and they
are individually wonderful and caring persons and I love them all. However,
unfortunately the Korean government does appear to be far from it, and
especially it has been so under the former President Lee Myung-bak and even
more so with the incumbent President Park Geun-hye. Their outright
anti-Japanese attitude does not only look extreme and unwarranted but also it effectively
appears to portray them almost insane to me and I am deeply concerned about it.
Referenced web link (in
Japanese): http://ameblo.jp/minna4970/entry-11732739509.html
The Asahi's recent admission of erroneous and made-up reports of comfort women renders the movement and its underlying justification for building comfort women statues groundless. The Asahi's irresponsible journalism, which in itself is an unpardonable sin, has done enormous harm to the Japan-Korea relationship by leading many people of both countries into wrongly believing the misguided history.
ReplyDeleteA timely article "Ending East Asia’s History Wars" by Yuriko Koike